Federal Reserve Cuts Rates

The Federal Reserve has cut rates yet again, as demanded by President Trump, but what will this move mean for markets? Prof. Wolff appears on Boom Bust to break down the future for the Fed. Plus, Amazon's algorithm is under a harsh spotlight today as recent reports allege the company's search tool favors the company's own products. View Here


Where is the U.S.-China Trade War Headed?

President Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu had a high stakes meeting at the White House in a bid to avoid new tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods. Brian and John speak with Prof Wolff to discuss the the big picture behind the U.S.-China trade war. This interview is courtesy of Loud & Clear

China-NBA Riff Deepens

Trade negotiations between the U.S. and China are set to resume this week, but now the fight has spilled over into a new realm...the basketball court. Prof. Wolff joins RT's Boom Bust to break down what the spat means for negotiations. View Here

Economic Update: Worker Co-ops, Socialism's Future

[S9 E39]

In the first half of Economic Update this week, Professor Wolff discusses how and why socialism changed from what it meant in the 19th and 20th centuries (public enterprises...READ MORE

Economic Update: A Growing US Left

[S9 E38]

This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff delivers updates on California events (LA Times labor union, 80,000 Kaiser workers to strike, new state public banking law), gross inefficiency of private...READ MORE

Neither Democrats Nor Republicans Will Admit the Problem Is Capitalism Itself

Prof. Wolff pens an article challenging both Republicans and Democrats to admit their policies’ failures and to open the public and professional discussion on capitalism’s recurring recessions and to systemic critiques and solutions involving systemic change. This article appears courtesy of Truthout.

Is the Dollar's Dominance Declining?

The power of the U.S. dollar has been the dominant player in the financial world for decades, but could that be on the verge of changing? Prof. Wolff joins Boom Bust to break down what the future has in store for the greenback around the globe.

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Economic Update: Capitalism and Mental Health

[S9 E37]

This week on Economic Update Professor Wolff delivers updates on the ICE raid in Mississippi, global comparisons of gun violence and conservatives’ reactions to...READ MORE

World Bank and International Monetary Fund Global Coercion

Prof. Wolff joins Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon to talk about how U.S. Presidents, the World Bank and IMF use economic sanctions and aid to coerce foreign leaders, the state of the global and US economy, and the ongoing trade war between China and the U.S. This interview can be heard courtesy of Sputnik Radio.


Socialism Represents the Critical Demand to Extend Democracy into The Economic Sphere

Prof. Wolff talks with Algerian journalist Mohsen Abdelmoumen to discuss socialism's place in our economic future. This article appears courtesy of American Herald Tribune, Europe’s most widely read English language newspaper.

Economic Update: U.S. Economy and the Market

[S9 E36]

This week on Economic Update Professor Wolff delivers an analysis of the state of the U.S. economy at summer's end, 2019 and it’s a decidedly mixed picture. 

In the second half of...READ MORE

Questioning Socialism – A Constructive Debate

Prof. Wolff joins ActTVism Munich to talk about neoliberalism, capitalism & socialism. In addition, Prof. Wolff is questioned about the underlying principles and methods of socialism and whether a reformist or revolutionary approach is required in order to improve the system.


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GM Strike Shows The Labor Movement Is On the Rise

Prof. Wolff talks with The Hill on what the latest GM strike means for the labor movement overall.



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The Last Time Banks Did This, They Caused A Financial Crash

Prof. Wolff joins The Thom Hartmann Program to illuminate how banks are supposed to hold a percentage of every dollar in reserves, which means they have a large pile of money. What happens if the government wants to stimulate the economy, by telling the banks they can lend out part of their held deposits or all of it? The last time the banks were able to lend out their reserves, we found ourselves in a global financial crash.

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Peculiarities of the Chinese Economic System

US-China trade war, peculiarities of the Chinese economic system and what an economic slowdown in China would mean for the global economy.

Watch the discussion here on with Michele Greenstein on News with Rick Sanchez

School Grades as Capitalist Control

Grading teaches meritocracy, which in turn helps deflect blame for capitalism's failures onto its victims. Grades are capitalism in action. Let's get them out of our schools. 
See it here on the The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow


Economic Update: Capitalism in Decline

[S9 E35]

The first half of this week’s episode of Economic Update features a discussion by Professor Wolff on the parallels of declining capitalism in the UK and the U.S. and how the...READ MORE

No One Can Rescue Hong Kong

Discussion the ongoing Hong Kong protests and its effect on the US-China trade war. China "will not negotiate any cost to their sovereignty" and protesters' attempts to entreat US or UK for aid against Beijing is "far fetched."

Watch Here

China Lifts Some Tariffs on U.S. Goods

There has been a small breakthrough in the US-China trade war, after Beijing agreed to drop some of its tariffs on American goods. How much trade-war pain is still in the pipeline for the US economy?

Prof. Wolff on Boom Bust - Watch Here

Why Do Tech Giants Get Away With Hurting Consumers?

Prof. Wolff joins Julianna Forlano on Waking Up with Julianna Forlano on WBAI to discuss the impact decisions made by giant tech companies have on our lives.

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Global Capitalism: September 2019 Live Economic Update

The US-China Trade Wars: Causes, Prospects, Risks

with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work & Judson Memorial Church
In connection with Wolff’s discussion of the main topic above, he will also cover the following issues at the September 11th, 2019, event...READ MORE

Impact of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's Return to the Private Sector

Trump's plan to re-privatize the mortgage loan companies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae opens the door to the factors that caused the 2008 financial crisis.

This story appears courtesy of Real News Network - Listen Here

Why is the US Economy so Prone to Crashes?

Since the mid-20th Century, every major recession in the United States has been preceded by an inversion of the bond “yield curve,” a key indicator of the health of the economy. In August, the curve inverted once again, leading to widespread alarm that a significant economic downturn is imminent. 

This article appears courtesy of The Globe Post.


#ClearTheLists Puts Focus on Insufficient School Funding

As U.S. schoolchildren return to the classroom, teachers across the country are asking for help from the public to bridge the gap between funding and need through a new viral campaign that is putting renewed focus on the woefully insufficient funding of U.S. public schools. 

This article appears courtesy of Common Dreams.


Greed and Hype as New Hurricane Reality

Discussion of destructive potential of Hurricane Dorian, why it has dominated the establishment news and the ominous possibility that the U.S. may be incapable of dealing with hurricanes. 

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