Richard Wolff - Is Amazon the #1 Threat To Jobs? - The Big Picture RT

Prof. Wolff joins The Big Picture's Thom Hartmann to talk about major threats to American jobs.  Amazon is one of the most successful American businesses of the past few decades. But is it leading to job losses for American workers. 

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  • John Rochey - Adams
    commented 2017-03-25 14:53:06 -0400
    Richard Wolff is one of the worlds best economists.
  • Leonardo Legorreta
    followed this page 2017-03-25 13:18:45 -0400
  • Christopher Kavanaugh
    commented 2017-03-22 19:26:23 -0400
    KPFKs Lila Garrett rebroadcast two short interviews Monday 20 March available to play on the archive website. Amazon’s collusion with intel agencies sharing our information is
    no less onerous. I wont be buying Das Kapital there!
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2017-03-22 13:27:42 -0400
