Economic Update: A Corporatized America with Chris Hedges
[S13 E05] New
In this week's show, Prof. Wolff explains why capitalism does not deserve credit for improved living conditions, Home Depot billionaire blames US capitalism's problems on US workers being "lazy, fat, and stupid," Southwest Airlines as example of failures by both corporations and their gov't "regulators," George Santos as creature of capitalist advertising. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Chris Hedges...READ MORE
The Comedy Cellar: Live from the Table - The Ills of Capitalism
Prof Wolff joins the NYC Comedy Cellar podcast: Live from the Table to discuss the ills of capitalism.
Read moreCommunity Church of Boston: The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us
Prof Wolff joins the Community Church of Boston to discuss how The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us.
Read moreZero Hour: Making Tech Work for the Workers
On Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, Prof Wolff joins to discuss: making tech work for the workers.
Read moreThe Socialist Program: The "debt ceiling" and the war on social programs
Walter Smolarek and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss the so-called “debt ceiling” government borrowing limit. As the countdown begins to a default, right wing politicians are using the situation as leverage and demanding huge cuts to some of the most essential social programs, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Will these crucial safety net programs survive?
Read moreJournal of Global Studies / Revista de Estudios Globales [Spanish]
Prof Wolff's articles on inflation, the market economy and class war are published in the Journal of Global Studies [Spanish].
REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS GLOBALES: ANÁLISIS HISTÓRICO Y CAMBIO SOCIAL. Vol. 2 Núm. 3 (2022). Inflación, Economía de Mercado y Guerra de Clases. Editor: Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia (Editum)
Read moreEconomic Update: Economics for a New Year
[S13 E04] New
In this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses US spending for war in Ukraine paid for by higher interest rates and inflation hurting middle and small businesses ; a rational transport system is NOT electric cars; an appreciation of the "degrowth"...READ MORE
The Socialist Program: How to Become a Billionaire
Brian and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss widening global inequality in light of the Oxfam report showing that two-thirds of all wealth created around the world since 2020 has gone to the richest 1%. They also dissect what makes the rich different from the rest of us.
Read moreConversations with Politics: The economic system that only benefits the rich has to go
Prof Wolff joins Dr Abdullah Yusuf on the show Conversations with Politics to discuss the ethically bankrupt economic system.
Read moreWBAI: Law and Disorder: A World in Economic Turmoil
Prof Wolff interviews on the Law and Disorder program on WBAI radio on January 16, 2023.
Read moreEconomic Update: "American Midnight" Democracy's Forgotten Crisis
[S13 E03] New
In this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the French School of Economic Warfare and sanctions against Russia; how asset price declines threaten US pensions, electric replace fossil fuel private cars because of profit motive, instead of for a rational transportation policy; US police in elementary schools: bad for students, parents, teachers and even police; honoring Staughton Lynd, US radical academic and labor organizer who died on 11/18/22. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Adam Hochschild...READ MORE
acTVism Munich: The Economics of the Ukraine War / Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Ukraine-Krieges [ENGLISH & GERMAN]
[ENGLISH] Prof Wolff joins acTVism Munich's The Source to talk about the economic impact of the Ukraine war and the impact of Western sanctions on Russia as well as how the war has affected the West economically.
[GERMAN] Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Ukraine-Krieges: "In dieser Folge von Die Quelle sprechen wir mit dem emeritierten Wirtschaftsprofessor (University of Massachusetts) und Gründer von Democracy at Work, Richard Wolff, über die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Krieges. Wir bewerten die Auswirkungen der westlichen Sanktionen gegen Russland und wie sich der Krieg wirtschaftlich auf den Westen ausgewirkt hat."
Read moreZero Hour: Global Parasites' New Climate Scam
Prof Wolff joins Zero Hour with RJ Eskow to discuss: global parasites' new climate scam.
Read moreWBAI: Live on the Fly with Randy Credico
Prof Wolff joins Live on the Fly with Randy Credico for a discussion on the WBAI radio program.
Read moreBreaking Points: Richard Wolff REACTS To Record Inflation
On Breaking Points, Krystal and Saagar bring on Richard Wolff to break down the latest inflation numbers and the outlook for the US economy heading into 2023.
Read moreThe Socialist Program: 7,000 Nurses Say 'Enough!' & Strike: What's Causing the Healthcare Crisis?
Professor Wolff joins the Socialist Program with Brian Becker to discuss the strike that 7,000 nurses are on in New York. What's behind this huge strike and the increasing wave of strikes?
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Economic Update: What's Wrong With Capitalism?
[S13 E02] New
Thom Hartmann: Is Bitcoin Even Money? The Grim Future For Crypto Currency
Prof Wolff joins the Thom Hartmann program for an update on the future of Bitcoin.
Read moreEconomic Update: Surging US Labor Activism
[S13 E01] New
In this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff discusses explosive labor militancy across 2022 in US and UK, Wells Fargo bank again fined for illegal practices on 16 million bank customers, US-Russia economic warfare undercuts European economies...READ MORE
The InnerView with Imran Garda: Inflation and Economic Crises
Prof Wolff joins the InnerView with Imran Garda on TRT World to discuss runaway inflation, economic crises, billionaires, and inequality.
Read moreThe Economic Realities We Face at the End of 2022
Article by Richard D. Wolff
"For decades, wealth and income have been redistributed upward—with minimal protest by the working classes who were harmed by that redistribution. During 2022, working classes in many countries were no longer willing to defer their needs in the wake of that redistribution. Labor militancy, unionization, and strikes have all been renewed with remarkable energy and enthusiasm. Increasing numbers of workers are unwilling to wait and see whether or not long sluggish center-left and center-right governments and parties would do anything adequate to change the deepening inequalities, instabilities, and injustices of contemporary capitalism."
Read moreThom Hartmann: Is Bipartisan Retirement Plan Just Tax Cuts For the Rich?
Prof Wolff joins Thom Hartmann to discuss: "A new bill working its way through the House is being promoted as making it easier for people to retire. But could this really hide ta cuts for the rich? Known as the Omnibus Bill, what does it mean for you? And who benefits the most – take a guess!"
Read moreMintPress News: Richard Wolff & Lee Camp: The Rise of The Multipolar World
Prof Wolff joins Lee Camp on MintPress News to discuss: the rise of the multipolar world.
Read moreEconomic Update: What "Capitalism's Decline" Means (REPEAT)
[S10 E46] REPEAT
This week's show is dedicated to a discussion of the signs of US capitalism's decline. US history as the passage of US capitalism from its birth, through its state-supported growth and expansion, to its global peaking from...READ MORE
The Glenn Show: Capitalism vs. Socialism | Glenn Loury, LaJuan Loury & Richard Wolff
Prof Wolff joins with Glenn Loury moderated by LaJuan Loury to discuss: Is capitalism a “winner take all” system? and more. Recorded October 26, 2022.
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