Economic Update: The Harm Done by Economists

[S12 E37] New

This week on Economic Update, Prof. Wolff talks about the unionization drive among minor league professional baseball players, high poverty rates among US families working full-time year round, and the economics of discrimination against pregnant women. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Prof. George DeMartino...READ MORE

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  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2022-09-28 11:32:21 -0400
    Excellent and above all an honest presentation by professor DeMartino. This is further logic for the importance of state controlled economics, by a state which elevates all the other social science concerns or myriad of social issues to the same or higher level. We not only gentrified poor neighborhoods in America, but all eastern Europe and Russia with the collapse of the berlin wall. Again, our economic philosophy and practice is contaminated with priorities of capitalism, first and foremost, as it grows and becomes priority now in Eurasia. Again, Unsustainability is the new factor which will be realized sooner than later in all our economic science and policies.
