The Truth About Modern Monetary Theory

What is modern monetary theory? Richard Wolff joined Thom to explain. MMT or Modern Monetary Theory is becoming a point of contention in the Democratic Party,. But what is it and what does it mean? How does a government, or a political candidate use modern monetary theory, Can modern monetary theory help end the debt or the national deficit? What would the effects of modern monetary theory be on the average working person?

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  • Paul Walters
    commented 2024-12-06 01:46:46 -0500
    Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is an economic theory that challenges traditional views on government spending and inflation. It suggests that a country that issues its own currency can never run out of money and can always print more to fund its activities, without the same constraints as households or businesses. Critics argue that this could lead to runaway inflation, while supporters claim it can help finance public investments without relying on taxes or borrowing. As the debate over MMT continues, some believe it may offer a new approach to managing national economies. So, who knows? You could just hit the button quick maths game and realize the possibilities of modern economic strategies!
