The Big Picture RT: Dr. Richard Wolf - Treachery At The Fed?


Prof. Wolff joins The Big Picture RT's Thom Hartmann to talk about the upcoming announcement by the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is set to announce tomorrow whether it will raise interest rates now or wait until after the election. Is this decision about economics or about holding off the next crash until the most politically convenient point possible? 

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  • Leonardo Legorreta
    commented 2016-11-06 10:01:55 -0500
    It sounds like the fed’s thinking revolves around perceptions rather than economic realities. They raise the rate so as not to appear not to be ready for the crisis, as to appear that there is a semblance of control. The semblance of control is the only thing the fed actually has, not actual control. But isn’t that their own blind faith in the market, the eye of providence that will deliver us from economic evil?
  • Jan F. Gurtler
    followed this page 2016-11-04 10:40:15 -0400
