Economic Update: Seeds of Fascism?


On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on injustice of Argentina's default settlement, on Pope Francis's rejection of "exploiters," and on stagnating real median incomes in US. Major discussions of...READ MORE

Economic Update: Good for Profits, Bad for Society


On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Citibank calls "Recession" for 2016, Robert Gordon's new book "Rise and Fall of American growth, college students to Europe for free educations, drug and food companies profit at public's expense, economics of presidential candidates, pension struggles heat up, and why China's slowdown due to US/Euro/Japan economies. Major discussions of...READ MORE

Economic Update: Capitalism is the Problem


On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Bloomberg's money, negative interest rates, the oil market, Puerto Rico's cruel sales tax, Fed Reserve governor supports breaking up banks 'too big to fail,' and Apple borrows despite its huge cash hoard. Response to listeners: converting capitalist into worker coop type enterprises. Major discussion...READ MORE

Capitalism, Greece, and the End of Lesser-Evil Choosing

Housing rights activist Ada Colau

This article originally appeared at

The question of whether to vote for the lesser evil in the upcoming presidential election is being resolved even as we wrestle with it. The last few years of global capitalist change and the response thereto in Greece show the historic moment now breaking out of such dead ends. 

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Economic Update: Economic Change, Economic Disorder


On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on China achieves economic superpower status, profit produces drug scarcities, Ireland's unjust austerity, millionaire tax in Massachusetts. Major discussions of...READ MORE

As the Movement for Black Lives Shifts to Policy, Several Options Emerge


This article originally appeared at

Since the moment protests broke out in Ferguson in the summer of 2014, commentators - supportive and otherwise - have asked when and how the movement for black lives would channel its rebellious energy into policy. Last week, leading voices in that movement made...READ MORE

Economic Update: Lessons About and From Socialism

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on the economic significance of Sanders' Iowa vote, Keynes on risks of revolution against capitalism, costs of oil market collapse. Interview with... READ MORE

Global Capitalism: February 2016 Monthly Economic Update

Demands for Basic Economic Change Keep Growing

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this February, these will include...READ MORE


On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Johnson Controls Corp evades taxes, Disney sued over abuse of HB-1 visa system, French workers strike against austerity and against socialist government; response to listeners on tax-subsidies for churches and lessons of Israel's kibbutz experience, Major discussion of...READ MORE

Bernie Sanders: The Socialist Outsider Who Took Centre Stage

In this article, David Smith interviews Prof. Wolff. 

Rather than undermine his campaign, Bernie Sanders has made a virtue of the label ‘socialist’ and is riding a wave of opposition to economic inequality that began with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

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How Two-Party Political Systems Bolster Capitalism

This article originally appeared at

Mainstream economics has always privileged one debate above all others as its most central. Should production and distribution of goods and services be private or public, done by individuals or the state? Mainstream economists likewise keep aggressively projecting this question as the central debate for politics and politicians. Such arrogant self-confidence is the other side of the insular self-absorption that characterizes so much of the mainstream economics "discipline."

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Economic Update: Capitalism's Results

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Obama on/in Detroit, Walmart closing stores, Santa Fe and public banking, food-makers' profits vs people's health. Major discussion of...READ MORE

Economic Update: Fighting Rightist Economics

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on worker actions by UK's "junior doctors" and Detroit teachers, Flint's poisoned water, Supreme Court struggle. More on US govt subsidy of religion. Interview on worker coops with...READ MORE

Global Capitalism: January 2016 Monthly Economic Update

Capitalism Delivers the...: Inequality, Instability, Insecurity

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For January these will include...READ MORE

Escalating global debt threatens a new financial crisis

This article originally appeared at and quotes Prof. Wolff.

Global debt is spiralling out of control and the next financial crisis appears to be imminent. With few lessons learned since the 2008 recession, what will become of the world once it has been consumed by its own losses?

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Economic Update: What Capitalism is

On this week's episode Prof. Wolff provides updates on Obamacare scandal, bank errors threaten depositors, public pension looting, subsidizing religion. Major discussion of...READ MORE

Aux États-Unis, l’intérêt porté à l’alternative grandit

- Cet article a paru au -

En octobre dernier, pour la première fois dans l’histoire du Parti démocrate, un débat a opposé les candidats (en l’occurrence Hillary Clinton et Bernie Sanders) sur le capitalisme. Même les ré- publicains reconnaissent que le creusement des inégalités devient un problème majeur pour les États-Unis. Cette critique inédite du système dans le débat public redonne l’espoir de voir renaître et se structurer une gauche.

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"Has The Crash of 2016 Now Begun? What Can & Should Be Done?" - Prof. Wolff on The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann

Prof. Wolff goes off on the state of the economy with The Big Picture's Thom Hartmann.  What no one is talking about is the fact that that China isn't driving the looming economic crash - what's driving it is the fact that so-called "free market" capitalism and austerity politics are failing at a global scale. 

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Economic Update: Economics and Real Issues

This episode provides updates on economics vs. the "free press," Nevada vs. public education and bikes displacing cars in Europe. We also respond to listeners' questions on the economics of closed ACA health co-ops and on inflation's dangers and impacts. Finally, we have major discussions on the Massachusetts Senate bill to tax rich universities and answering the question: "What is Capitalism?"  READ MORE

An Evening with Richard Wolff by KPFT 90.1-FM Houston


Professor Richard Wolff appeared at a fundraiser for KPFT 90.1 FM in Houston.  He gives a compelling speech on what ails America and provides solutions. The second video is a Q&A session with the attendees. READ MORE

A costura do New Deal

Neste trecho, Prof. Wolff discorre sobre o papel dos movimentos sociais e partidos políticos da esquerda americana na costura do New Deal - o Novo Acordo -, programa que integrou diversas políticas públicas responsáveis por retirar os EUA da pior depressão capitalista de todos os tempos.

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مصاحبه با ریچارد ولف ریشه های بحران یونان، بازپرداخت بدهی و گسترش موج ضد سرمایه داری در اروپا برنامه خبری تحلیلی دمکراسی ناو

مترجم: هما کریمی


 آیا با توجه به رای نه به حذف  بودجه عمومی  و افزایش مالیاتها که بعنوان بسته ی نجات از طرف طلبکاران اروپایی  ارائه شده بود، باید یونانی ها را به دلیل ایجاد تنش داخلی طی بحران مالی یونان، مقصر دانست؟ آیا آلمان برای اینکه یونان را سرمشق دیگران قرار دهد، آن را تحت فشار خواهد گذاشت؟ آیا یونان حوزه یورو را ترک خواهد کرد؟ اثر آن بر اقتصاد جهانی چیست؟  تمام این سوالات را با ریچارد ولف، استاد بازنشسته ی اقتصاد دانشگاه ماساچوست و استاد مهمان دانشگاه نیو اسکول در میان نهادیم. وی نویسنده ی کتاب های بسیاری از جمله کتاب « دموکراسی در محل کار: راه علاج سرمایه داری» است. ازآتن در  یونان نیز، پاول میسون، سردبیر اقتصادی اخبار کانال چهار با ما است.

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El Redescubrimiento de Marx en la Crisis Capitalista

- Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en "Marx Today". -
Por: Richard Wolff 
El ascenso, caída y regreso de los análisis marxistas
Los análisis de tipo marxista están nuevamente resurgiendo en los diálogos públicos sobre la economía y la sociedad. Treinta años de lo que fue una exitosa agitación sistemática con cara anti-marxista ha ido poco a poco desvaneciéndose en el discurso político, de los medios de comunicación, la academia y demás espacios de discusión. Una nueva generación descubre y se esfuerza por comprender la riqueza de las diversas contribuciones de esta tradición.
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Sim, há uma alternativa ao capitalismo: a Mondragón mostra o caminho

- Este artigo apareceu originalmente no site da The Guardian. -

Por que nos é dito, que um sistema falido, que cria grande desigualdade, é nossa única opção? Uma incrível cooperativa espanhola é a prova viva do contrário.

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Sí, hay una alternativa al Capitalismo: Mondragón muestra el camino

- Este artículo apareció originalmente en el sitio de The Guardian en 2012. -

Por: Richard Wolff

No hay otra alternativa al Capitalismo?

¿En serio? Nosotros debemos creer, junto con Margaret Thatcher, que un sistema económico con ciclos repetidos incesantemente; con los costosos rescates para las  entidades financieras y ahora con los programas de austeridad para la mayoría de la población; ¿es lo mejor que los seres humanos pueden hacer?

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