Are you capitalizing on your fame?

My understanding is that you have been making certain deals and collaborations with various radio/media organizations. My question to you is whether these deals are orchestrated under the view of a worker-co-op, or if you are the lead decision making entity. You have also mentioned in your episode the potential for a cooperative relationship between a business and its clients in decision making. You are effectively becoming

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  • Grady Lee Howard
    commented 2017-09-08 23:04:27 -0400
    What is Rick effectively becoming Thomas Miller?
  • Grady Lee Howard
    commented 2017-09-08 23:03:00 -0400
    The inaccessibility bothers me more than more than the deals. Truthout comments were ended along with Economic Update comments. You can comment on Youtube I think. The interaction between Rick Wolff and his listeners was the best part, and I think that will hurt his educational appeal. By the way, I was really turned off by the Harriet F. segment Friday where she restated diminishing life expectancy and the opium epidemic right at the top and never advanced much farther. She needs some new material.
  • Grady Lee Howard
    commented 2017-09-08 22:57:23 -0400
  • Grady Lee Howard
    tagged this with upvote 2017-09-08 22:57:21 -0400
  • Thomas Miller
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-09-03 17:49:54 -0400
