Democracy and decentralization

I discovered you via your Chapo Trap House appearance, and have now listened to 30+ of your recent Economic Update episodes. Thank you for your extremely valuable contribution. You often talk about the evasion of taxation by the wealthiest members and corporations of our society, and I agree (of course) with your concern. But another theme of your analysis is the danger of overly centralized, "statist" governments. For example, Cuba, which one of your guests in late 2017 described as "out-Sovieting the Soviets" under Fidel Castro, has been unable (so far) to wholeheartedly support worker co-ops. My own exasperation with the USA leads me to feel that a more decentralized nation (one possibility is six or seven regional pieces) would bring democratic government much closer to the people. I would love to hear you discuss democracy and decentralization in general. As background... one of the smartest people I've found on the subject of building a world according to "human scale" is an original founder of SDS in the 1960s (and once a longtime resident of the West Village in NYC), Kirkpatrick Sale. He might even be available to speak with you (he now lives in South Carolina). Here's a link to a 2010 lecture he gave on the subject of secession and bioregionalism (this is part 1, with the other 4 parts in the sidebar):

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