Can you please have a discussion with Dr. Webster Tarpley?

I was struck by Dr Webster Tarpley (host of the weekly radio broadcast, 'World Crisis Radio', overseer of the 'Tax Wall Street Party', and frequent Left Forum guest) offering a steadfast class-driven analysis of the dire predicament the 'precariat' faces in contemporary U.S be heard in the second hour of his latest show. For Saturday, July 9th, easily accessible online. From his lengthy and impassioned detailing of the one-percent's decades-long refusal to contribute almost any of their loot to the demands of infrastructure, healthcare, education, etc., to his insistence that MLK's last campaign on behalf of impoverished strikers in Memphis ought to remind contemporary obsessions with ethno-racial minuate that poverty and deprivation appear as projects knowing, essentially, no colour, invitation from ' Economic Update ' to Dr. Tarpley would surely make for an incredible show!!!

Official response from submitted

Thank you for your suggestion. We will take keep this suggestion in mind for a future episode. Thank you for being a listener, Matthew!

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  • Betsy Avila
    responded with submitted 2016-07-11 23:34:05 -0400
  • Matt Whitton
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-07-11 08:42:00 -0400
