On Contact: USA political and economic collapse

Richard D. Wolff joins On Contact with Chris Hedges to discuss  the economic and political collapse of the American empire.

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  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2020-10-04 07:33:01 -0400
    Again, Moratorium on all non essentials starting with the wall street trade, would have froze stock prices and cyclic profit. Bail out would have been used to provide minimum monthly distribution of equal sum directly to all without income stratifications and to utility and food suppliers, This would have been a fraction of what was actually distributed and lost. Rents and mortgages frozen and property taxes stopped for duration to avoid loss on the part of the land lords and real estate owners, no profit / no loss, minimum monthly dole for household essentials delivered directly.
  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2020-09-16 09:31:26 -0400
    I wish this show could be aired on major networks on prime time for an entire week so not to be missed by anyone
  • Carole Oleniuk
    commented 2020-09-15 05:56:13 -0400
    These two great americans are clear minded and courageous. They see the world as it is and report back to us, helping to situate us in it. The insanity and cowardice of the ruling classes are never more clear than when they are confronted with the pathetic poverty of their system and their lives. The lack of shame the cynical traders display reflects the degenerate nature of this dying empire and economic system. The working people need great educators and leaders like Hedges and Wolff and historical necessity makes them available. From the ashes of the old.
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2020-09-14 12:11:04 -0400
