Capitalists & Risk??

Capitalists exploit labor. Does Marx address whether capitalists merit a larger share of profits because they submit resources to the rigors of market "risk"? As such, are capitalists and management shielding workers from risk to any appreciable extent?

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  • Bobbi Wings
    commented 2017-02-13 20:01:39 -0500
    The capitalists are absolutely NOT shielding the worker from anything of the sort. As soon as profits waiver in the slightest the FIRST place the capitalist looks to cut costs is the worker. The capitalist will gouge the worker during every step of a companies decay in the form of cut hours, lay offs, pension and benefit cuts, etc. all the way to the bitter end. At which point, if it comes to that, the company will go under completely and where does that leave the worker?
    The worker that has had to suffer professional death from a thousand cuts to their salaries and benefits and dignity end up just as unemployed in the end. The only difference is those workers have debased themselves over and over again for the privilege of a few extra weeks or months of servitude. Capitalists do not, as a general rule, shield the workers from anything. The workers are capitalists shield against risk, not the other way around.

    My standard disclaimer is that I am not Richard Wolff, but I do have opinions I am happy to share. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  • Todd Heller
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-02-13 12:16:11 -0500
