Thom Hartmann: 2020 - The Next Great Depression

Dr. Richard Wolff joined Thom Hartmann to discuss the possible of inflation and pumping money in to the economy. Prices will rise and with it already hard to make ends meet, what is going to happen? Richard Wolff proposes some scenarios.

Watch this segment on Thom Hartmann


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  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2020-08-28 10:41:08 -0400
    Federal Reserve chairman just announced keeping interest rates close to zero even if the economic situation returns to pre covid levels and unemployment returns to 3.5 percent. That was interpreted by the article as several years,, inflation or not. Time to turn saving into European federal bank savings accounts and into Euros which are rising in strength internationally and are more secure?
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2020-08-28 07:24:36 -0400
