Professor of Economics Richard Wolff explains the dire direction our economy is headed towards as unemployment continues to skyrocket.
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Professor of Economics Richard Wolff explains the dire direction our economy is headed towards as unemployment continues to skyrocket.
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La Sharik difficulties previous sunk sub release of radioactive emmissions. 3 military explosions Pompeo Flowers supportive of Ma’ At posiion. Ref USS Liberty Victory Class 67 Project Flowers Amarka….This may get situation out of wtc swap of Horus and Ubadian positions. Inspector of the Cosmos Iskur, Brother of Enki, Son of ANU, Dingers.
New Economic Approach. Look for it. Roustabout.
Osiris Nepthy…they aquired a reverse directional to Europe, by 18 th century the shining brillance of Europe was diminishing. But w Britexit 13 removed, Marshall replaces. Ridding alpha omega jesus from greek beginnings compleating continium, no kracatoa volcano toes dashed w stone…those that undercut European Colonies with generics now in need of our help? Its Horus Jurisdiction not mine or yours? Im form of Moses to Greece Rome..I threw off high loading dose of virus to this country and relieved Italians of difficulties, got it done advocies…Now do we help cesspool for Horus affluence or let it burn? Mr. Wolff Greece Rome….my 1 st responsibility, you of German French…This country never won revolutionary war the mechanics the machine did, Louisanna Purchase the machine set it up…Landru or worse. Ours is Human Form accomplishments thiers is that of a machine…Marshall