Recommended reading material?

Could you or your staff recommend some books or other reading material on Marxism? I am currently reading "From Marx to Gramci" by Paul Le Blanc, but picked that up by random and do not know if there are better books or authors that I should look be looking for. Thank you so very much.

Official response from submitted

Thank you, Susan. I suggest a good compendium of key writings (one if the best and oldest us by Emile Burns and is called Handbook of Marxism). You may also, for Marxian economics, take a look at our book (myself and Steve Resnick, Contested Economic Theories, MIT Press, 2012). Going to Marx himself would also work; best there are Marx' The German Ideology, The Civil Wars in France, and the compendium of his notebooks called The Grundrisse. Thank you again for your question, Susan.

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  • Betsy Avila
    responded with submitted 2016-07-08 23:01:05 -0400
  • Susan Kukel
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-07-07 16:13:16 -0400
