“As we fade" So the USA chooses to no longer be the world leader, as we pass that over to others now. Our research and invention relinquished to others to make from our inventive spark except that is for the art and tools of active war Our home infrastructure crumbles as we build infrastructure in the nations that we destroy while our lower classes are in growing despair and rapidly growing in numbers Our research is hobbled So our wealth classes taxes can be ever lower as we slide into a Spanish style 3rd world nation Our teachers are reviled , Our scientist's harassed Our public workers are demeaned Union workers rights infringed Those without work are blamed for their plight as their jobs are shifted to others willing to toil for vastly less OR turned over to machines and programs designed to remove them from their contribution and wage while what little wealth the truly poor have is siphoned off for other’s bottom lines then they blame them for their poverty and sympathy is found in their hearts only for friends, family and peers It seems self seeking in all they know we elect charlatans making empty promises forever unkept who manipulate the rules and laws for the benefit of their backers a decades long class war being overwhelmingly won by the moneyed class they've made Our Judgeships their political playground to serve their self centered desires if they leave so little for the rest of us to survive we may realize they are so unnecessary to our needs whereas if they leave enought for the rest to be comfortable we will tolerate their drain upon us enlightened self interest I believe it's called. they will still posses vastly more than any others ever have ©2016 R.Kane Richard Kane [email protected] [I love listening to your radio show]
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