If I want to prevent climate change, how should I feel about a trade dispute with China..

...in which solar panels become more expensive in the US? Here's the article I read about the dispute. I find it interesting because I am an environmentalist and yet I feel so ambivalent about the trade situation between the US and China. http://e360.yale.edu/features/could-trade-dispute-with-china-bring-an-end-to-u-s-solar-boom What are the economics of preventing climate change? What actions would advance the goal of a sustainable economy and sustainable environment? (And I realize you may not have an answer. It is a wicked problem.) Personal responsibility is not enough.

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  • Anonymous
    commented 2023-01-31 20:58:03 -0500
    I suggest consulting this provider first if you want to make your house more ecologically friendly. Because experts can give you the best advice and explain all the benefits of solar panels. Therefore, I wholeheartedly recommend that you get in touch with https://a1solarstore.com/inverters.html . It’s not as pricey as you may think, I assure you.
  • Rebecca Jacobsen
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-07-01 22:39:59 -0400
