Universal Basic Income

Dr. Wolff and the whole Democracy @ Work team, I'd like to thank you for the work you do and material you release. I find it to be very valuable, and it had caused me to start reading some of Marx's writing. My Question is about basic income, or universal basic income. In multiple countries there are basic income experiments going on currently, others are planning to initiate BI experiments. The research sounds promising http://basicincome.org/research/. Do you think that BI is a viable strategy to help provide economic justice? Is there just a lack of political will and understanding on BI in the United States, or you think that the idea is flawed?

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  • David Keys
    commented 2016-12-03 19:33:17 -0500
    I just found a video of Dr. Wolff responding to this question. I apologize I took up time from the D@W team.
  • David Keys
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-12-02 00:34:07 -0500
