What is the response if a worker co-op votes to change to a top down corporation?

Is there any way to prevent that? Say walmart pays off 51% of the voters/workers of a co-op is there a way to prevent it, or should you follow the votes? Can/should a co-op have senate like rules of 2/3 or 95% etc to do something like that? Another question if I may. Can you setup a loan in such a way that if the above were to happen, could that affect a loan. - specifically, if say a bank gives a low to no interest loan to a co-op and they sell the co-op to a private corporation, can you structure the loan in such a way that all low to no interests terms are no longer valid and the interest goes up. Or another way, can a bank offer a loan with low interest for just co-ops with the stipulation that it is only valid for co-ops?

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  • Patrick Sutton
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-12-07 20:01:58 -0500
