Your piece on "Global Capitalism 2017."

Dear Mr. Wolff, I was greatly surprised by having found you on YouTube last night. Thank you for your work! I do have on comment on the video above (the one where you begin speaking about the airline that offers 2 full beds) and if there was turbulence people would be thrown from their beds; equating it to a “mental institution.” Please don’t use this language. I’ve had 9 hospitalizations in my lifetime of 59 years. I still struggle with my own stigma and fears of instability. I’m only sticking around because I refuse to leave this planet without having achieved some semblance of autonomy. If you would have equated the owners of this airline, including bedrooms with 2 full beds to travel only from Singapore to Sydney, that would have been a better fit. I have found that it’s often the “un-diagnosed” who cause the most problems on this earth. Trust me, no one ever wants to go into a psychiatric unit; especially since the HMO’s decimated psychiatric care in this country. Thank you again for all your work. Respectfully, Pat Nicholson

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  • Patricia Nicholson
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2018-01-24 11:45:02 -0500
