Can you please tell your guest she NAILED IT ON ADDICTION TOPIC, but....

Hi, I liked your recent dem @ work podcasts. Can you please tell your guest the pychologist that she really NAILED IT on your last show about addiction related to poverty. Please also tell her that as a white middle aged baby boomer with disibilties and lack of enough $ to afford basic housing, I myself am hoping to find some Fentinyl be uz I would prefer to take a bubble bath and go out in peace rather than live in the street or in my car, which are the only things I can look forward to at this point. I have only hateful republicans for relatives and have no real hope for the future. Some of us older ones need a dignified and peaceful way out of this awful corrupt Oligarchic/ capitalist system. I am not a drug user, but Some of us need a painfree out from living in destitution and pain. Don't be too quick to think that if you take away the pain medicine or that if you keep us alive that somehow you are helping. Death is a nice peaceful way out fir some and please remember that before you ban all the good stuff. I am serious and hope you will make a note of what I have said. Thanks for all your shows. Its so co forting to hear someone who understands what misery some of us older babyboomers are feeling at the moment. I had a jet set life and worked hard for many years. But one big medical issue can destroy years of hard work and leave you in the gutter ....

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  • Nicholas Anderson
    commented 2018-01-29 21:06:03 -0500
    I am a supporter of Kevorkian practices with regard to individual freedom although I have obvious concerns with the potential abuse of such practices. That being said, if you listened to that podcast then you also heard Dr. Fraad’s comments on some of the other aspects and effects of drug use: alienation and isolation. It is my opinion that the increase in isolationist behavioral patterns are exacerbated by but not simply drug related. You feel alone, you feel isolated, you are in pain and you feel surrounded by people that oppose your values and possibly even general well-being. But you are not alone. Part of the reason conservative values and beliefs have come to dominate politics and economics is that conservative values are represented by communities and organizations. The easiest example is church, but there are many others that promote community engagement and facilitate political movements. This is not to say that these groups don’t exist among the left, they do in the form of groups such as democracy@work, but they face an additional challenge in recruitment. People( and millennials particularly) ever-increasingly only interact with the world through the window of social media. The labor-movement has collapsed, charitable organizations subsumed to capitalist good will and philanthropy. With the collapse of the left, the institutions that organized labor, proliferated kinship and community( including “family values”) declined. But these values are still here. They are thought and felt by masses of people disenfranchised by a society that refuses to present a critique, let alone a solution to our economic woes. I acknowledge that you are truly suffering and that I have no right to make any demands of you. But as a human being I am urging you to find a community. Be part of something larger than yourself. Don’t surrender the opportunity to live and love because you feel alone. You are not alone. It doesn’t matter about your age, gender, race, orientation or any other miscellany you use to categorize yourself. Life fulfills the purpose you assign it.
  • Nicholas Anderson
    tagged this with upvote 2018-01-29 21:06:02 -0500
  • M Lee
    commented 2018-01-29 11:33:32 -0500
    Truth is sometimes difficult to hear, but must be acknowledged…
  • M Lee
    tagged this with upvote 2018-01-29 11:33:31 -0500
  • M Lee
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2018-01-29 11:28:43 -0500
