Teaching WSDE's in High School Business Academy

I am a U.S. History teacher at a high school that has a business and finance academy. I got the idea that I would like to incorporate a unit on worker self-directed enterprises somehow in the business academy. Is there a curriculum I could use to teach this alternative business model in high school?

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  • Elizabeth Harville
    commented 2017-07-01 01:44:01 -0400
    Customary economic matters are about business sectors, planning, how cash streams in various economies, and so forth. To instruct in government funded schools, particularly junior and senior secondary schools, you must be guaranteed in the range you will educate. Regularly that requires a four-year college education in what you will instruct and an experts degree in training. http://www.toppaperservice.com/
  • Kenneth Miller
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-03-25 22:42:50 -0400
