How does Postmodernism relate to Marxism?

Official response from submitted

POstmodernism has been an important movement of thought sweeping through the social sciences and humanities for several decades now. Marxism has been affected by it much as Marxism has been affected by other such movements of thought before postmodernism (such as modernism, existentialism, Darwinian thought, psychology a la Freud, and so on). Likewise Marxism has impacted postmodernism. The results have ranged across the board as postmodernists vary from those who use it to reject and denounce Marxism on over to those who work/think with a kind of synthesis of Marxism and postmodernism. Likewise, among Marxists there are those who use it to reject and denounce postmodernism all the way over to those who find in parts of postmodernism means for a renewal and extension of Marxism. There is no one Marxist attitude/position toward postmodernism, just as there is no one postnmodernist attitude/position toward Marxism.

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  • Lucas Romanski
    commented 2017-03-18 20:17:03 -0400
    Very interesting, I am then curious about your personal stance on the subject of postmodernism Mr. Wolff.
  • Richard Wolff
    responded with submitted 2017-03-18 14:57:17 -0400
  • Lucas Romanski
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-03-18 14:04:53 -0400
