KPFA Evening News: Biden Taxing Wealth

Professor Wolff joins KPFK Evening News to comment on Biden's recent statements that he wants to "start to reward work not just wealth" by taxing wealth. Wolff says when the bar is as low as it is today, anything is a step in the right direction, but that that phrase is already damning with faint its praise. 

Listen to this segment on KPFK (begins at 10:25)



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  • Andrey Mops
    commented 2024-06-17 19:08:08 -0400
    No matter how you look at it, taxes are an integral part of every country, since the state lives on the money that people pay to the treasury. And in general, this is normal, as it should be. But the interest rate on taxes must be reasonable. I recommend that you read Liberty Tax reviews to better understand this topic.
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2021-03-30 12:08:02 -0400
