you write about WSDE,s are they different from a collective worker cooperative, and if so how? Also your book does not advocate for traditional worker cooperatives, (Example; board of directors that may or may not be members of the worker coop it serves) yet the democracy at work website does advocate for all types of worker cooperatives, democratic work places and/or collective cooperatives. Is that a correct assumption?
I am not familiar with the term "collective worker cooperative." If it is meant to cover a worker coop that runs democratically - where the key decisions about the enterprise like what, how and where to produce and what to do with the profits are made on the principle of one employee, one vote and majority rules - then it is pretty much the same as a WSDE. However, the WSDE we advocate would not have people on the board of directors who were not also employees just as it would not have employees who were not part of the democratic governance of the enterprise. Yes our website is friendly and solidaristic with all cooperatives (consumer, owner, sales coops and so on) but that is because we see them as steps in the right direction, but not as substitutes for what is most important to us, namely the transition from tom-down, hierarchical capitalist enterprises to worker coops as the basis for a democratized economy.
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