Trump's Economic Policies

Now that the unthinkable has happened, might it be possible to include n your weekly address, some thoughts on Trump's proposed economic policies so that we might be better informed and to help us organize against dangerous directions he might take our country. A well informed citizenry is essential to a democracy.

Official response from submitted

I will do that, but meanwhile let me suggest you go to our website or our You Tube channel to watch the video of my latest (Nov 9) Monthly Economic Lecture at the Judson Memorial Church in New York City where I discuss a great deal wbout the election and its results.

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  • Richard Wolff
    responded with submitted 2016-11-13 15:45:41 -0500
  • Joseph Bulterman
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-11-09 15:11:37 -0500
