Investopedia: Inflation or the Economy: What Will Fed Rate Hikes Break First?

Prof Wolff is interviewed for an Investopedia article titled: Inflation or the Economy: What Will Fed Rate Hikes Break First? by Diccon Hyatt. 

“They're in debt up to the wazoo to build the office towers premised on the marketing which told them every office in that place would be leased at a nice flat rate,” Wolff said. “All that's gone. The offices are empty.”

Read the article here. 

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  • Geralyn Gries
    commented 2023-10-17 05:32:33 -0400
    The material you provide is quite beneficial to me and everyone else; I frequently watch them to gain stuff, then play
  • Brent Perkins
    commented 2023-06-10 06:21:10 -0400
    The Federal Reserve kept interest rates at zero for nearly two decades. As a result, many people were able to finance the purchase of houses for their families (a good thing) or perhaps to take vacations to Las Vegas to gamble (not such a good thing). There were other effects as well. The money supply soared without production growth, so called equity funds purchased successful companies purely on cheap borrowed money for the purpose of loading these companies with debt, then gutting them of their assets and sending them into bankruptcy and sending their employees to the welfare rolls and spiritual emptiness. Now, at the gates of inflationary hell, the Fed members have been forced to raise rates. If they keep rates high enough long enough inflation might abate. But if the leftists economist in the Marxist academy have their way, rates would go back to zero, a sure road to economic ruin. God save us from the do-gooding, self righteous, virtue-signaling economist of the 21st century academy.
  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2023-04-05 08:34:06 -0400
    The new offices, stores and apartments are largely uninhabited, yes due mostly higher cost, but the building contractors and developers got paid before they left. Perhaps we are over developing and expanding construction on previously undeveloped natural land which should have been protected from those who capitalize.
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2023-04-02 22:38:37 -0400
