How do you respond to Stephanie McMillan's criticism of Mondrogon?

Stephanie McMillan points out that Dr. Wolff is not giving up the full skinny on Mondrogon. The Fagor group went bankrupt and was sold in 2013 after it could not respond financially to the eurocrisis. In addition, parts of Mondrogon cooperative were accused of hiring low-wage foreign workers in order to compete. McMillan claims that the cooperative model cannot successfully function imbedded in the larger global capitalist context without the added addition of armed struggle. I would like to see a debate between Professor Wolff and author Stephanie McMillan on this issue, one that will welcome new, young voices into the movement so long championed by Dr. Wolff.

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  • Heidi Schultz
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-03-13 15:20:32 -0400
