Corporate rules and rulers

This week we saw the forced and rather brutal removal of a doctor from a United Airlines flight, as one of four people mandated to leave so UAL employees could take his seat. If corporations like UAL truly believed in capitalism, shouldn't they be required to have a "reverse auction", with their offer to vacate starting very high ($5000 would get a lot of takers), lowering until there were only four people willing to accept that price? Or are the rules different for them?

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  • Christopher Kavanaugh
    commented 2017-04-11 18:00:44 -0400
    ‘Rules’ for capitalism is like the golden sombrero bandit’s in THE TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE famous movie line about badges.
    The CEO of UA has a mailing address. It is [email protected]
    I emailed Oscar earlier. Join me, tell him ‘We don’t have to fly his stinking airline.’
  • Christopher Kavanaugh
    tagged this with good 2017-04-11 18:00:42 -0400
  • Greg VanMechelen
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-04-10 22:00:25 -0400
