Economic Update: Socialism and Worker Co-ops

[S9 E28]

20th century socialism is now behind us. Socialists continued to evaluate both its achievements and failures via extensive self-criticism. A changed socialism has emerged, focused on a transition of workplaces from top-down...READ MORE

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  • Stanley Martin
    commented 2019-08-03 06:05:11 -0400
    Have had three attempts to communicate here erased before I could send them. Please provide a regular mailing address
  • Robert Soloway
    commented 2019-08-01 23:59:34 -0400
    Great show. I’d like your opinion on an approach to global warming. What if Congress created a trillion dollars and used it to buy controlling interest in as many oil and gas companies as possible. Then they agree to transition to renewable nrg as quickly as possible and shut down oil and gas usage. Thank you.
  • James Check
    commented 2019-07-22 17:35:34 -0400
    Professor Wolff, I found the concept “right of first refusal” particularly interesting. Consider the recent closing of the Green Bay, Wisconsin-based retail chain Shopko. If the workers and managers had the opportunity to buy out the corporation and form a worker-owned cooperative, jobs and a favorite shopping choice (often on bus-lines) would still be present in many communities. Are cooperatives inherently built from small to large or could a relatively large company be transitioned to a worker-owned cooperative?
