[S9 E44] Political Strategy for Transition
This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff discusses a political strategy for transition beyond capitalism to an economy based on democratic worker-owned co-operatives. The first half explores...READ MORE
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What is the American Party?
• Different from the Democratic and Republican Parties! This American Party will not accept the candidates of either party, the parties of failure, the parties for the rich 1%.
• Not very different from a Socialist party, but with changes and ideas that are defined for a better work place and a happy goal for all people!
• Not Capitalism as we know it today. More like a worker cooperation’s.
• Looking for people who believe there has got to be a better way for national/state governments for all the people. Groups such as: a) Trade unions, b) work associations, c) from the business work place where all workers have equal say in decisions are made, d) worker coop’s) and etc. will be accepted.
Development of the American Party!
• Believes in the American Constitution of the people, by the people and for the people, NOT of the rich/wealthy/the 1%/etc. who created the present situation in the world!
• Believes in democracy, human rights “Deceit and Deception” will not be tolerated, the government and people of power must be truthful and be accountable for what they say, or they will remove!
• Present elected officials must represent the people or be removed from office, if they represent powerful interest groups and wealthy 1%.
• Believes in representive government. Everyone pays their fair share through taxes including the upper 1% who are taxed at the appropriate rate, no loop holes or foreign ownership accepted.
• The Court Judges must make ruling based on the constitution and not on the whims of the rich and powerful lawyers. The rule of law must prevail!
• (more to come)
Professor Wolff,
Yes, this will be an uphill battle to form a new party. We know the present form of government will not be easily persuaded that a third party is necessary or wanted. The time is now with the turmoil around the world. The U.S.A. already has experienced some of this unrest, but a leader must emerge to coordinate this restless energy into something positive. If this restless energy is allowed to run/operate freely, the result will be a society falling apart and lawlessness to be the rule of the land.
P.S. Your updates are interesting! Keep up the good work.