Economic Update: A US Left Rises to Remake the World

[S11 E29] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on "The Friends" reunion and what it teaches, how China outmaneuvers US tariffs, etc., and how Yellow Vests plus French unions defeated...READ MORE

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  • David Moore
    commented 2021-08-15 13:06:44 -0400
    Great show as usual, but I hate to hear you refer to defense contractors. Don’t you think military contractors or arms makers are better alternatives? Cheers.
  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2021-08-13 12:02:28 -0400
    Your honesty is once again appreciated by all of us who understand. Our unleashed and autonomous government, even independent of its own people, has never cared about Muslims or anyone else since Mossadegh and the birth of middle eastern oil. Our media is crippling and that is why your show is aired on some obscure TV channel and why FOX and MSNBC etc.. get 24 hour air time including prime time on numerous channels. For those of us who may not agree with you on everything, I still believe you offer more to us in 30 minutes than the others can in 23 out of 24 hours of daily media. In regards to another show, Biden does not need the approval of our congress to negotiate an internationally set corporate tax in a global arena, all he needs is the approval of global or international leaders. Our congress is even incapable of mandating a vaccine for a global life devastating illness. That would be “dictatorial”.
