You may wish to speak about "reservation wage" in an upcoming program?

I am still working through this. Every line brings thoughts to mind. E.g. "The proportion of individuals who reported searching for a job in the past four weeks ... most notable for younger households (those age 45 and less), for whom the proportion of job seekers shot up from 22.7% in March to 28.2%." And here I employ sarcasm ... with unemployment so low and so many workers too discouraged to look for work, why are 20% people under 45 reported to be looking for work? Either more people are without employment than indicated OR most people just have jobs that suck!

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  • Ernie Whiteside
    commented 2017-08-25 13:06:05 -0400
    oops … “why are 28% of people under 45 reported to be looking for work?”
  • Ernie Whiteside
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-08-25 13:04:26 -0400
