Economic Update: Labor Vs Capital Struggle in US Intensifies

In this week’s Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff discusses The Washington Post's exposure of the corporate rich sponsoring police repression against student protests and how Boeing rewards CEOs while it exhibits the airlines' worst safety record. In addition, the UAW loses union election as German capitalists and southern governors join forces to intimidate workers with job threats. Finally, we highlight why mass public transport is a better alternative to gas-powered vehicles than electric vehicles.

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  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2024-06-14 14:55:27 -0400
    Dear Professor,
    I am sorry to see that your show is not aired on television anymore when it should be prime time on every channel every day. Again, we understand the problems but refuse to look at the solutions. They cannot be put into practice without some form of force. Would we be considered an evil authoritarian force if we controlled the incomes of the 1%? If we penalize how their capital was used to buy force against the people who protest for justice? If we sent an international force to clear a safe haven for Palestinians establishing their new state? mandating laws to halt the use of fossil fuels? If we change social laws now practicing for enormous profit from revenues gained through the justice system and divorce and custody industry? Laws which have resulted in the destruction of the traditional family and what it offered children and future generations. Augustus believed Demographics determined destiny. What are we prepared to do, beside die
    I worked for the govt. as a QA overseeing contractors to include Boeing. I witnessed the reduction of govt. inspection and oversight at these industrial facilities from 30 to 100% to now near zero. Would I be an evil dictator if I forced these CEO’s and directors to place their families in these aircraft during their maiden runs or original test flights?
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2024-06-11 10:39:37 -0400
