Guaranteed Income

Given the encroachment of automation in the workplace and the decline of full-time jobs in all sectors of the economy, millions of people will be unable to obtain employment. Entrepreneurship and the shadow economy won't be able to take up the slack. Is it time to consider establishing a government-guaranteed income for all citizens?

Official response from submitted

Either that or else a government run program of full employment producing all the socially useful projects a democratic national discussion could establish: e.g. greening the economy, rebuilding deteriorated infrastructure, providing quality childcare across the board, programs for an aging population and so much more. Might be better to go this route than splitting society into parts that earn by working and parts that earn without working.

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  • Richard Wolff
    responded with submitted 2016-11-09 10:43:36 -0500
  • Will Cooper
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-10-11 20:28:27 -0400
