Worker Co-op

I had a 5 paragraph 3 page question but I am not posting it dues to its length. It all boiled down to this: Being what I call an Empirical Capitalist I keep an open mind to potential alternative systems but I need data if I am to change my ideals. Can you refer me to some materials detailing how a worker co-op might be established and how it will work in a free market society, and any case studies that show how well worker co-ops perform. I have done some research already but more is better when it comes to information.

Official response from submitted

Besides directing you to the various materials on worker coops at, let me urge you to follow the work ands references used by University of Leeds Business School professor, Virginie Perotin. She has done great, recent work empiricially on the superiority of worker coop over traditional capitalist enterprise organizations.

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  • Richard Wolff
    responded with submitted 2016-12-31 10:50:41 -0500
  • David Ahrens
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-12-30 12:48:25 -0500
