Given the current economic conditions, what investments does Dr. Wolf recommend for working people and the middle class?
It is generally unwise and unethical to offer investment advice without knowing the specific circumstances of an individual (and they are always different and unique), so I generally refrain from doing that. That said, let me nonetheless offer a kind of broad advice: the vast turmoil of contemporary capitalism, and especially since the crash of 2008, has now provoked major political upheavals and uncertainties (recent votes in the UK, Italy and the US; earlier political shifts across southern Europe, the rightward shifts in Latin America and chaos in the Middle East) and one of which could further destabilize world capitalism. The deepening inequalities within all capitalist economies - itself a major cause of the political turmoil - shows no sign of being stopped, let alone reversed. And that promises further upheaval. In such circumstances, the obvious advice has to be: be very, very careful and cautious in all your investments since the downside risks are huge and the upside possibilities much more limited and scarce.
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