Boom Bust: Trump Slams Congressional Stimulus Bill

Prof Wolff joins Boom Bust to comment on Congress finally passing a coronavirus relief package, and that the executive branch could throw a curve ball.

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  • Pasqual DiGesu
    commented 2020-12-28 07:14:09 -0500
    I also believe you need to help other countries who are in desperate need of help, but each situation needs to be explained to us separately as the other guest is suggesting otherwise what we have here is “taxation without representation” all over again. Which nations whose people are in dire need and which nations with aggressive governments should we be supporting? Here is an area of government where I would allow the peoples voice at least to be heard. 6000 pages for a covid relief bill?? If I remember correctly the new deal was less than a hundred and Thomas Paine’s book “Common sense” which fueled the revolution was less than that. A true relief package would not involve appropriation and redistribution of truck loads of cash, but an organized system of “valve closings” on certain billing from certain middle class covid economic victims. Of course all the forces that skillfully skim our money would be helpless if congress did not create a new transaction to make it possible. Only when money is moved can you take a bite out of it.
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2020-12-27 06:18:33 -0500
