Boom Bust: Trump Signs Hong Kong Autonomy Act

Professor Wolff joins Boom Bust to talk about Trump's signing of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act and how the sanctions will affect China. "I'm astonished by the grotesque hypocrisy. Hong Kong was a colony of Britain imposed on the Chinese when they were weak. They always resented it. It was a lease, believe it or not, for 99 years. It expired 20 years ago and the Chinese have been saying for 20 years that they want that territory integrated back into their society. Every business that ever invested in Hong Kong over the last 20 years knew exactly what the future held in store. Those decisions to take those risks have already been made and mostly this is posturing by Mr. Trump." 

Watch this segment on Boom Bust.





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  • Yasuaki Kudo
    followed this page 2020-07-20 02:27:46 -0400
  • Richard Wolff
    published this page in Updates 2020-07-16 06:00:05 -0400
