Could quantitative easing, as suggested by former Green Party candidate Jill Stein, be a solution to the student debt crisis? Would she, as president, be able to get the Federal Reserve to carry this policy out, and what repercussions, if any, would there be to this course of action? This is all assuming that a President Stein would be going the route of quantitative easing, instead of new tax policy, by appointing the head of the Federal Reserve due to an obstructive Congress. John Oliver's criticism of Jill Stein's plan: (From 4:30 to 6:27) Would the spending stimulus from a suddenly unhindered youth offset any inflationary consequences? Is it bad for our economy to have the Fed buy up too many toxic assets? (If this question even applies to this…) Isn't it conceivable that the president can appoint as head of the Federal Reserve someone who would carry out this quantitative easing? Is the president not allowed to appoint the Board of Governors? Jill Stein's simple response: This obviously stems from a severe lack of knowledge about how the Federal Reserve works. It’s devilishly complex.
Jill Stein's plan to use quantitative easing for student debt
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