While there are some technical problems with this specific number, most of the other numbers about global inequality point clearly to the huge and growing inequality that, with a few, very temporary exceptions, has been capitalism's product now for centuries. In 2014 Thomas Piketty published a volume that explained why as well as reviewed the key statistics which he (and his colleague Emanuel Saez at UC-Berkeley) have been developing for decades. For me all this points to and supports one basic line of criticism of capitalism. I would present it this way. The French revolution that ushered capitalism into modern European history had three slogans: liberte, egalite and fraternite. That is, the transition from feudalism to capitalism was to bring the world those three basic values. One reason Marxbecame a critic of capitalism was because he saw that while capitalism had indeed replaced feudalism as the dominant economic sysatem in mid-nineteenth century Europe, it had NOT brought with it equality. Inequality, fostered and worsened by capitalism as a long-term structural tendency, is a profound critique of capitalism; It was and it is today, perhaps more than ever now. And Oxfam keeps producing the data and analysis to prove it.
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