Sub-prime auto loans and their impact upon the greater economy

Hello my name is Ali Reda Jeafar and I am a Shia Muslim living in Dearborn Heights Michigan and I have been noticing at my local mosque that the board of directors is really giving the sheik/Imam presiding over the religious center a very hard time in allowing him and his youth group the proper amount of leeway needed to bring about the proper change within our community. The reason I am bringing this up to you is because I would like to know how to go about transforming this religious institution/enterprise into a worker coop because the board of directors seems to primarily be concerned with making and keeping money that they have become opposed to using the center for what it was originally made for, being a community oriented center that can provide all different kinds of services to the youth and elderly of the wider Muslim community. How could one go about making such an institution into a coop, especially if the board of directors is filled with people mostly concerned about making money and keeping their own positions. The head sheikh/Imam of the center is a good man who cares about democracy and uses his what opportunities he can at the Friday sermons to talk about the importance of the community's involvement in the democratic processes of this nation. I look forward to hearing back from you soon :)

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  • Stanley White
    commented 2024-09-15 09:09:34 -0400
    Very important information, thank you!
  • Ali Reda Jeafar
    commented 2016-10-31 22:18:29 -0400
    Plus I am a really huge fan of your programs and your work, keep up the great work professor Wolff!!
  • Ali Reda Jeafar
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-10-31 22:17:49 -0400
