The history of Israeli Kibbutzim, Aaron David Gordon, etc.

Dear Professor Wollf, Thank you so much for your energy, commitment and efforts to educate and enlighten everyone out there! Your contribution is priceless. I came across your podcasts on youtube by absolute chance, and I am very glad I did. Have been listening to and watching all your videos I could possibly find. Have ordered a few of your books to get acquainted more closely with your teaching. As for my question, I would really appreciate it if you could speak a little a bit about social movements of the past taking place in Israel; in particular, the history of Israeli Kibbutzim, Aaron David Gordon, etc. would be very interesting. Yours sincerely, Alexander Mundrian P,S. I am a Russian-Jewish Israeli, 31 years old, currently living and working in Germany (Essen, NRW).

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