If Apple was a Co-op

I stumbled upon this interesting Forbes piece and thought you might also find it intriguing. Wayne Dec 18, 2014 @ 02:25 PM If Apple Were A Worker Cooperative, Each Employee Would Earn At Least $403K Cameron Keng , Contributor [Note above date] Apple has 98,000 employees and earned $39.5 billion after tax over the past year. If Apple was a worker cooperative, then each employee would’ve received a $403,000 dividend on top of their salaries. Even the lowest paid worker would’ve earned at least $403,000 in Apple as worker cooperative. The first thing naysayers and disbelievers will say is “but, Apple isn’t a worker cooperative.” Mondragon [Spain] is a worker cooperative that has about 74,000 employees and earned $12.6 billion in revenue. Mondragon is smaller than Apple, but it’s at a scale that demonstrates that we can do better as employees. https://www.forbes.com/sites/cameronkeng/2014/12/18/if-apple-was-a-worker-cooperative-each-employee-would-earn-at-least-403k/#2679e4242dee

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  • Wayne Stinson
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-11-22 14:40:20 -0500
