Economic Update: Karl Marx, 1818-1883

This week on Economic Update, Professor Richard D. Wolff delivers updates on global capitalism's extreme inequality (Oxfam report), Victoria's Secret's billionaire owner, why immigration is a “weapon of political distraction”, how the GOP...READ MORE

Prof. Wolff on Chapo Trap House

Will, Amber, and Matt of Chapo Trap House sit down with Professor Richard Wolff to talk Boss Baby and Marx in the 21st Century.

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Economic Update: Capitalism's Excuse: Blame Govt

On this week's show, Professor Richard D. Wolff delivers updates on on capitalist fishing industry self-destructs, how malls mirror US capitalism, blaming government self -destructs in Oklahoma, renationalizing...READ MORE

Blue Collar Buzz: Democratizing The Workplace!

Prof. Richard Wolff talks about what it will take for workers to rise up and turn the tide against rapacious corporate bosses with Blue Collar Buzz.

Click here to listen. 

Democratizing the Workplace through “Worker Self-Directed Enterprises”

This article originally appeared at

Contemporary capitalism no longer “delivers the goods” (which is understood as a rising standard of real wages) to the majority of people.  That classic defense of its instability (e.g. recurrent bouts of unemployment), its deepening economic, political, and cultural inequalities, and its attendant injustices is no lon­ger plausible.  In the U.S. since...READ MORE

There’s an Alternative to the Top-Down Capitalist Corporation

CounterSpin interviews Prof. Wolff on economic fundamentals. 

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What Deficits? Money for All!

Prof. Wolff joins KPFA's Sunday Show to talk about deficit spending in Washington and record profits. 

Click here to listen

The US economy explained

Prof. Richard Wolff joins "By Any Means Necessary" to talk about the fluctuations in the stock market over the past year, the casino-esque nature of the US economy, the rise of the Chinese economy and what that means for Western capitalism, and if a wave of defaults are on their way for American consumers. 

Click here to listen

Economic Update: The System's Unwanted Results

This week on Economic Update, Professor Richard D. Wolff delivers updates on economic data hype vs reality, big capitalists gearing up to take on the healthcare capitalists, profit-driven housing rip-offs, why Saudi Arabia is...READ MORE

Koch Bros. Reap $1.4B from GOP Tax Plan

Prof. Wolff joins Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez to discuss House Speaker Paul Ryan's tweet about a woman whose paycheck increased by $1.50 cents a week, touting it as a major benefit to middle-class workers. 

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Economic Update: Democratize The Enterprise

This week on Economic Update, Professor Richard D. Wolff delivers delivers updates on corporate tax savings not being used for bonuses or wage increases to employees, why U.S. tariffs will fail to rescue jobs, how UK and...READ MORE

On The Ground Radio Interview with Prof. Wolff

Prof. Richard Wolff joins host and creator of On The Ground Radio -Voices of Resistance from the nation's capital Esther Iverem on WPFW 89.3 FM...Read More

The Medical Industrial Complex & Technology

Prof. Wolff's talks with acTVism Munich about the healthcare system of the United States and what possible durable economic solutions could be pursued. 

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Economic Update: Marxism's Contribution

This week on Economic Update, Professor Richard D. Wolff delivers delivers updates on New York City's suit against big oil and dumping $5 billion in fossil fuel investments, fast-rising US consumer debt, further attacks on...READ MORE

The Ties That Bind Sexual Assault, Gender, and 21st-Century Capitalism

The relationship between the three is finally exposed.

This article originally appeared at   Co-authored with Dr. Harriet Fraad.

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Economic Update: Knowledge, Class & Economics

This week on Economic Update, Professor Richard D. Wolff delivers updates on problems and solutions for workplace discrimination, China's ascending economy, capitalism's cycle of income and wealth inequalities, the winners and the...READ MORE

KPFA Evening News

Prof. Wolff talks with Glenn Reeder of KPFA's Evening News.

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Economic Update: Capitalism & Addiction: The Opioid Epidemic

On this week's show, Prof. Richard D. Wolff delivers updates on UN report on poverty in the US, Oreos produced in Mexico, US households with zero or negative net worth, Germany's negative utility prices...READ MORE

Are Trump's Ties To Big Banks A Larger Danger To Democracy?

Professor Wolff joins The Thom Hartmann Program to discuss the ongoing investigation into Donald Trump's connections to Russia.

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Global Capitalism: January 2018 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "The GOP/Trump Plan for 2018: CUT SOCIAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS

with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month, then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For January 2018, these issues will include...Read More

Is America Due for Another Economic Crash?

Prof. Richard Wolff joins Thom Hartmann on The Thom Hartmann Program to discuss the possibility of a new economic crash.

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Economic Update: The Economy, 2017-2018

On this week's show, Prof. Richard D. Wolff delivers updates on net neutrality, workplace sexual harassment, bitcoin, worsening global inequality, Europe's recovery and instability, and...READ MORE

Economic Update: Public Service Vs. Private Profit

This week on Economic Update, Prof. Richard D. Wolff delivers updates on Economic Threats: Corbyn vs Morgan Stanley, cars for super-rich, information vs profit, Fed chair Powell's over-reach, why regulations...READ MORE

The Truth About Power and Capitalism: A Socialist Response to the Tax Bill

This article originally appeared at

In response to the passage of the GOP tax bill, many voices are now offering variations on the theme of "speak truth to power." It's true enough that tax overhaul, coming after 30 years of widening inequality, widens it further. It is likewise yet another exercise in trickle-down economics, the policy promise that direct economic help to corporations and the rich will eventually lift up the rest of us. The GOP and Trump conveniently disregard the countless economists who have shown that trickle-down is a false promise.

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Looting on a Grand Scale by Ultra Rich: Republican Tax Plan's Real Goal

Prof. Wolff joins Brian Becker and John Kiriakou of Loud & Clea to talk about the Republican Tax Plan which could be signed into law as early as next week. 

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