Richard Wolff: The Crash IS Coming! What To Watch For

Julianna welcomes back recurring guest, Marxian Economist Professor Richard D. Wolff, to the show to discuss how Economists are warning Americans that while the recent unemployment numbers were surprisingly positive, the long-term consequences of the pandemic could be severe joblessness for millions of Americans faced with permanent unemployment. And according to Professor Richard Wolff, there has been a widespread understanding among experts that a whole raft of jobs would be disappearing in the next five to 10 years.

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Boom Bust: Trump Signs Hong Kong Autonomy Act

Professor Wolff joins Boom Bust to talk about Trump's signing of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act and how the sanctions will affect China. "I'm astonished by the grotesque hypocrisy. Hong Kong was a colony of Britain imposed on the Chinese when they were weak. They always resented it. It was a lease, believe it or not, for 99 years. It expired 20 years ago and the Chinese have been saying for 20 years that they want that territory integrated back into their society. Every business that ever invested in Hong Kong over the last 20 years knew exactly what the future held in store. Those decisions to take those risks have already been made and mostly this is posturing by Mr. Trump." 

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Loud & Clear: Collapse of Brick and Mortar and more

Prof Wolff joins Loud & Clear to talk about the collapse of brick and mortar stores, the systematic destruction of malls, and how that impacts already lonely Americans. 

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The Hill: Coming Economic Crash Will be WORSE Than Great Depression

Prof. Wolff joins The Hill to give his thoughts on new statistics revealing 32% of households have not yet made their full housing payments for July.

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Economic Update: Sports and Capitalism

[S10 E27] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on false "trade-off" between illness and economy, going from normal to extraordinary injustice...READ MORE


Prof. Wolff joins Jason Hartman to discuss the disproportionate pay between CEO and workers. The CEO to worker compensation ratio has changed dramatically. 

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Dr. Richard D. Wolff joins Jason Hartman to discuss the global economic meltdown. 

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RT: How far will Trump go to keep White House?

Prof. Wolff joins RT America News.Views.Hughes to discuss the massive and ongoing stimulus measures with which the Trump administration seeks to address the impact of the COVID-19 lockdowns and forestall economic collapse.

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By Any Means Necessary: No End In Sight As Health, Economic, & Racial Justice Crises Swell

Prof. Wolff joins Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman of By Any Means Necessary

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Loud & Clear: Pandemic billionaire profits, effects on education, and more

Professor Wolff joins Loud & Clear to talk about billionaire's pandemic profits from government loans intended for small businesses, the effects of the pandemic on education, and more. 

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Economic Update: Europe's New Internationalist Left

[S10 E26] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on "zombie" companies and their rapid growth in the US, The Federal Reserve...READ MORE

Aljazeera: US buys nearly all stocks of coronavirus drug remdesivir

Richard Wolff on Aljazeera: "I have never seen the American economy in worse shape... I think the system is shaking. Whether it will disappear or not, I dont know. But if you say to me, is this is the first time that you've imagined that it's possible, the answer is yes." 

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Thom Hartmann: Capitalism's Apocalypse Approaches

We are at the apocalyptic stage in the economy and a huge dive could be on the way. Commercial rents have not been paid by shops or offices and now the commercial landlords are taking them to court or going bust themselves. Unless something radical happens, the US is heading towards being like a third world country. Richard Wolff joins Thom Hartmann to discuss employment...

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The New Labor Movement Town Hall

Richard Wolff joins striking Spectrum workers at the New Labor Movement Town Hall. 
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Loud & Clear: Nearly Half of US Population Is Out of Work

With a possible 100,000 new Covid-19 cases per day according to Anthony Fauci, and half of US population without a job. the US has embraced on a crisis far beyond anything we have seen in our lifetime and in American history. Prof. Wolff joins Loud & Clear's Brian Becker to discuss. 

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Economic Update: The Pandemic's Lesson About Capitalism

[S10 E25] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff argues that preparing and coping with the Corona pandemic was inadequate...READ MORE

The Hill: The coming economic crash will be like NOTHING in history

Professor of Economics Richard Wolff explains the dire direction our economy is headed towards as unemployment continues to skyrocket.

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CrossTalk: ‘It's the Economy, Stupid!’

As the cultural war rages unabated, the billionaire class is only getting wealthier. 

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Thom Hartmann: The Financial Bomb Can Destroy Your Savings & Capitalism

Prof. Wolff joins Thom Hartmann to discuss how the business sector has borrowed so much money at low rates of interest, among them crooks and speculators who borrowed for dubious investments. 

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Boom Bust: IMF Issues Grim New Economic Forecast

Richard Wolff weighs in on the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) issuing of a grim outlook for global growth in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic. "My hat goes off to the IMF for being able and flowing to correct their own now we can see rosy projections and to take into account how serious this is."

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Loud & Clear: Trump v. Silicon Valley on Worker Visa Shutdown

Trump's new executive order suspends H1B work visas until December. Indian nationals make up about 70% of these visas, followed by Chinese nationals. Richard Wolff weighs in on what this means for American business, the world perception of the US, and the affects on US workers.

"For those people that believe that all of these jobs will stay here but now they will go to Americans, that's just silly. The history doesn't show that. Most of the hiring will now move aboard. The same people who complained about these folks, these immigrants, getting these jobs will not complain that the jobs are over there and they should be here... For most capitalist it really doesn't matter all that much whether you employ them over there or here. So my bottom line is, this is more theater from Mr. Trump."


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Economic Update: Working Class Radicalism

[S10 E24] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on why US record on Covid-19 so much worse...READ MORE

RJ Eskow: Pseudo-Centric Ideology

Richard Wolff joins RJ Eskow on The Zero Hour to discuss the economy, reporting on the economy and Pseudo-Centric Ideology

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Act TV: How Racial Justice And Workers’ Rights Can Be Mutually Reinforcing

Julianna welcomes back recurring guest, Marxian Economist Professor Richard D. Wolff, to the show to discuss how the eyes of the world are on racial inequities in the United States right now, and while we hope outside pressure will help bring justice to Black communities, Americans need to stay focused on what we can do from the inside. And how one way we can do that is through our labor unions, who often successfully win power back to their workers. How can they join the fight for Black communities? Professor Wolff is here to answer that question!

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Fault Lines: America's Industrial Policy and How Outsourcing Impacts the Black Community

Richard D. Wolff joins Fault Lines to talk about America's industrial policy and how outsourcing impacts the black community in America, as well as the nature of the worldwide economic underclass and why Wolff believes it's an inevitability of the cyclical economic crises endemic to capitalism.

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