Boom Bust: US Role in Trade Outside RCEP Deal

And as the global supply chain has been rattled by the coronavirus outbreak, several Asian nations have banded together in the world's largest trade agreement. Professor Richard Wolff analyzes the RCEP trade deal and what it means for both Asia and across the Pacific.

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Boom Bust: EU's Investment Sagas

With a fresh post-Brexit trade deal sealed with the United Kingdom, the European Union has also secured a major flow of investment from China as the year winds to a close. Professor Richard Wolff offers insight on the measure, and break down China's path to being the world's largest economy.

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Mother Of All Talk Shows: Trump is not gone yet

Prof Wolff joins The Mother Of All Talk Shows to talk about Donald Trump and the right wing populism he has built is not gone yet, and what the new Biden administration will look like.

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The D.C. Political Monopoly Just Does Not Get It

An article by Richard D. Wolff

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Economic Update: Growing Independent, Progressive Media


[S10 E50] New

This week's show features updates on the continuing lessons from 2020 at the year's end and an interview with David Pakman... READ MORE

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Boom Bust: Trump Slams Congressional Stimulus Bill

Prof Wolff joins Boom Bust to comment on Congress finally passing a coronavirus relief package, and that the executive branch could throw a curve ball.

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By Any Means Necessary: COVID Relief Package Hits Wall

Richard Wolff joins By Any Means Necessary to discuss Donald Trump's suggestion that he won't pass the COVID-19 mitigation deal unless the checks sent out are increased from $600 to $2,000, the priorities demonstrated by the numerous issues in vaccine distribution, and why the US response to the pandemic is so underwhelming in comparison to China's.

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Status Coup: "Unspeakably Inadequate" Stimulus

Richard Wolff blasts "unspeakably inadequate" stimulus on Status Coup and suggests that a general strike is likely.

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The Socialist Program: An Even More Shocking Failure

Professor Richard Wolff joins The Socialist Program to dissect the new "stimulus package" and exposes the mind-blowing cruelty and greed of the capitalist class and the political agents in Congress.

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KPFA Evening News: Congress Relief Bill

Richard Wolff joins the KPFA Evening News to discuss the recent relief bill in congress. "Nothing being done in Washington is adequate."

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Thom Hartmann: How Much Can Be Charged for a Burger?

Prices are set by the final seller, but there are limits. The seller works out through economics, the maximum price they can change for the item. How much can be charged for a burger? Professor Richard Wolff joined Thom Hartmann to discuss economics and how they affect you.

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Economic Update: Lessons From A Crisis Year 2020


[S10 E49] New

This week's show features a survey of the major economic events of 2020 that were poorly covered by mainstream media... READ MORE

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Public Banking Institute: When pandemics changed history with Richard Wolff and Ellen Brown

History tells us that pandemics precede radical shifts in society and economic systems. The Black Death, for example, was the beginning of the end of feudalism. Professor Richard Wolff joins Ellen Brown on PBI LIVE to lend his insights on those big historical breaks and consider what seismic changes we might expect following this current global pandemic. How might public banks be involved?

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Letters & Politics: The Failure of Capitalism in a Pandemic

Richard Wolff joins Mitch Jeserich to talk about the failure of capitalism in a pandemic, as explained in his new book, The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself.

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Boom Bust: China Trade Soars amid Quarantine

While pre-pandemic predictions for China trade painted a gloomy picture, those takes have not aged well as the lock-down has driven mass purchases of Chinese-made goods. Professor Richard Wolff analyzes the state of transpacific trade and the recovery path for the Chinese economy.

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Mohammed Hijab Podcast: Capitalism, Marxism and Islamic Economics

Richard Wolff joins the Mohammed Hijab Podcast to discuss the differences and and compare capitalist, Marxist, and Islamic economics and finance.

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Can Progressives Save Biden From Disastrous Economic Policies?

Article by Professor Richard D. Wolff

The key question then revolves around progressives inside and outside the Democratic Party. Do enough of them have the needed clarity of understanding, courage to act, and wisdom to see their deficit in terms of strong organization? Can those who do seize the opportunity to ride a return of class politics into U.S. society? Will they effectively resist both major parties’ efforts to silence and destroy them?


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Economic Update: Working Class Power


[S10 E48] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses Biden's 'new economic team,' big US banks falling short in key stress tests, India's 250-million-strong general strike, interviews Flight Attendants Union President Sara Nelson, and more......READ MORE

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In Question: US House passes defense bill with a veto-proof margin

Professor Richard Wolff weighs in on the passing of an important defense policy bill by the US House of Representatives and is set for a showdown with President Trump, who has vowed to veto the legislation.

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Economic Update: Social Movement Gains in LA


[S10 E47] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses the immense social waste of today's US unemployment  the Trump ban on investments in Chinese companies, new global...READ MORE

Fault Lines: Worker Co-ops Safer for Workers

Even though the stock market is booming, the amount of businesses that have closed due to COVID is staggering. Professor Richard Wolff joins Fault Lines to give the job numbers and describe what is happening in the US economy.

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The Socialist Program: When and Why Revolutions Happen:

On this week's episode of The Socialist Program's regular segment "Capitalism in Crisis" with Prof. Richard Wolff, we discuss the obscene and widening inequality in U.S. society, the abject failure of Congress to do anything to address this even amidst the Coronavirus crisis, and what dramatic consequences could follow.

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Act TV: The Economics And Vulgarity Of Corporate Welfare

Richard Wolff speaks with Julianna Forlano on about the economics and vulgarity of corporate welfare.

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Boom Bust: ASEAN, EU Enter ‘Strategic Partnership'

Richard Wolff joins Boom Bust to discuss the EU and ASEAN elevating their relations to a "strategic partnership"

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Status Coup: Potential COVID Depression

Status Coup's Jordan Chariton speaks with economist and professor Richard Wolff about the ongoing economic crisis.

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