Socialism and Workers’ Coops

This article originally appeared at

Actually existing socialisms since the 1917 Soviet revolution leave a rich legacy: aspects to build on, aspects to reject. Collective consumption (free education, medical care, subsidized housing, transport, etc.) is among the first and party dictatorship is among the second. Those socialisms’ complex histories also leave a legacy of what went missing from them. Identifying and evaluating missing elements can provide today’s socialist movements with better means to surpass capitalism than earlier socialist movements had.

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What is class?

There is an entire body of political science thinking that has been unavailable in this country for many years because of its association with socialism and the left that have been demonized. Prof. Wolff joins Richard Eskow of The Zero Hour to talk about the insight that literature could offer us.

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Trade War Truce on the Horizon? & Bad News for Bitcoin

As Trump ramps up his rhetoric against China, one of the nation's top officials will visit Washington to talk trade. Professor Richard Wolff joins RT's Boom Bust to sift through the shipping stalemate and search for hope on the horizon.

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Global Capitalism: May 2019 Economic Update

Rise of Socialism in the US Today

with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month, then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For May 2019, these issues will include...READ MORE

Economic Update: Lawyers vs. The System

[S9 E18]

This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff delivers updates on how U.S. college students have become share-croppers for investors, conservatives' fake opposition to government intervention in...READ MORE

US Unemployment Numbers and Other Ways to Hide the Truth

Prof. Wolff joins "By Any Means Necessary" to break down the good, the bad and the ugly of the latest US unemployment numbers, the media and political manipulation of economic numbers, American capitalism's multi-faceted debt crisis, and why it is time to move past capitalism.

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The Truth About Modern Monetary Theory

What is modern monetary theory? Richard Wolff joined Thom to explain. MMT or Modern Monetary Theory is becoming a point of contention in the Democratic Party,. But what is it and what does it mean? How does a government, or a political candidate use modern monetary theory, Can modern monetary theory help end the debt or the national deficit? What would the effects of modern monetary theory be on the average working person?

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Yes, We Can do Better Than Capitalism

This article originally appeared at

As capitalism drives itself into ever-greater inequality, instability and injustice, its critics multiply. Worried defenders react in two ways. Many dismiss the criticisms. After all, capitalism has been around a long time and weathered ups and downs before. They presume or hope that criticism will fade as little really changes despite the critics, and frustrations set in. It’s just losers who complain. The winners will surely carry the system forward. Some defenders insist that there simply is no alternative to capitalism, so criticism becomes pointless.

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In US and UK, the Working and Middle Classes Are Under Attack

This article originally appeared at

The crises affecting the political economies of the U.K. and U.S. are strikingly parallel. The 2008 capitalist crash hit and hurt both badly. Each arranged government bailouts of their major banks and many large corporations. After 2008, they both imposed real economic suffering — austerity — on the mass of their people. Finally, in both countries, pre-2008 trends toward greater economic inequality accelerated post-2008. Those trends in turn provoked deepening political and cultural divisions.

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Economic Update: Capitalism vs. Socialism

[S9 E17]

This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff does something a little different. He dives deep into the 200+ year old debate and struggle between capitalism and socialism and looks into how it has...READ MORE

Trump Has Politicized the Fed. Now What Happens to Democracy?

Has the FED ever been politicized the way Trump is proposing now and what would be the result of that? Prof. Wolff joins The Thom Hartmann program to answer questions about Donald Trump's attack on the FED and what it means for our country and economy.

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Economic Update: The #MeToo Movement

[S9 E16]

This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff delivers updates on Chicago in change, the decline of world trade, New York City’s "congestion pricing plan, the IMF comments on Trump’s trade war and the hi-tech monopolies, the 7...READ MORE

Prof. Richard Wolff on Organic Intellectuals

Prof. Richard Wolff joins RJ Eskow to discuss supply, demand, and customer service in today’s markets.

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Brexit Benefits?

Brexit has been a bane to the British economy, but could it have some benefits around the bend? Professor Richard Wolff joins BoomBust to discuss. 

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Bernie Sanders Makes “Big Impression” at Fox News Town Hall

Prof. Wolff joins Brian Becker and John Kiriakou on Loud & Clear to discuss Bernie Sanders' Fox News Town Hall meeting in Pennsylvania.

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Economic Update: Venezuela

[S9 E15]

This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff delivers updates on Brexit and the Mueller Report, the new labor upsurge happening in Chicago, how income shapes education and thus “merit", the mistaken objections to...READ MORE

Can the Bolivarian revolution survive the Venezuelan crisis?

This essay originally appeared at

Creating the space for and allowing the Bolivarian Revolution to flourish is perhaps the most important achievement of Venezuela’s Chavista government — but can it survive the current crisis?

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Hopes raised for end of U.S.-China trade war

Prof. Wolff joins Walter and John on Loud & Clear to discuss the latest on the trade war with China.

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Economic Update: Employer vs Employee: Capitalism's Endless Conflict

[S9 E14]

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on LA strippers strike, Trump fails to end US trade deficit, UN reports on protests against capitalist inequality and gov't repression of those protests, GM...READ MORE

A conversation with Renown economist Dr. Richard Wolff about our economics and solutions.

Prof. Wolff joins Egberto Willies of Politics Done Right to talk about current economic conditions and offers a solution.

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Economic Update: Beyond Universal Basic Income

[S9 E13]

On this week's show Prof. Wolff presents an in-depth analysis of UBI shows its advantages over most welfare, safety net systems. An even better alternative would avoid capitalism's unnecessary...READ MORE

AskProfWolff: Is it necessary for a socialist political party to exist to fight capitalism?

Prof. Wolff answers a question from a Patron of Economic Update.

The patron asks: Is it necessary for a socialist political party to exist, as Lenin emphasized in his books, in order to support and lead the labour movement fighting capitalism or not. If yes, why don't you and people in this struggle don't create one, or join the Communist party? If not, how we're going to fight this class struggle without an organized party?

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Economic Update: Political Activism's Revival

[S9 E11]

This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff delivers updates on International Women's Day, the University of CA making all research free, NY’s Gov. Cuomo begging and bribing Amazon again, how the U.S. is...READ MORE

AskProfWolff: Do the super-rich want the rest of us to be economically uncomfortable?

Prof. Wolff answers a question from a listener from Tampa, FL.

To what extent do the owners of the country: the billionaires, the CEO's and the people who live only off their investments (and do not work for a living- aka the idle rich)- to what extent are they threatened by low and moderate income people who have a right to health care, a living wage, affordable housing and no worry about college debt? To what extent does a comfortable working class and a comfortable moderate-income class-- threaten the super rich? Another way to ask this is to put this is: Do the super-rich want the rest of us to be uncomfortable, economically speaking? Why?"

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Global Capitalism: March 2019 Economic Update

US and China: 1 Global Economy, 2 Giants - Tariffs, Competition, Deals: What’s Coming

with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month, then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For March 2019, these issues will include...READ MORE
