Letters and Politics: The History of Socialism in the US


Wolff joins Jeserich on Letters & Politics to discuss the history of socialism in the US.

Wolff Responds to Fox & Friends on tax returns

Prof. Wolff responds to Fox & Friends about the 2018 tax refunds and who has really benefited from the tax cuts of the Trump administration.

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Wolff on Boom Bust: Record Americans toiling with payments

Wolff joins Boom Bust to talk about the record number of Americans struggling to make payments.

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Economic Update: Police & Policing in the US

[S9 E6]

On this episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff discusses the public education crisis (teacher strikes, declining quality, insufficient resources) and how it undermines the economic future of the U.S. and the absurdity of...READ MORE

Wolff responds to Trump's "State of the Union" address

Prof. Wolff responds to President Trump's State of the Union delivered on February 5, 2019.

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The News with Rick Sanchez: Millennials demand the rich pay taxes

Wolff joins Rick Sanchez to discuss how your viewpoint on taxes may have to do with your age, with millennials and the youth tending to favor more progressive taxation.

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In Question: China to prevail in global trade war

Wolff joins In Question to discuss how the US' attempts to prosecute a Huawei executive is mere cover for the global economic struggle it has been waging to remain dominant.

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Thom Hartmann: Are you taxed more than the rich?

Wolff joins Hartmann to discuss taxing the working class through property tax. Is what Thom Hartmann and others are calling America's wealth tax, actually fair?

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Boom Bust: The Fed & Demystifying Finance

Wolff joins Boom Bust to discuss the state of the Fed.

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News.View.Hughes: Venezuela Gold, Bank of England ‘no longer neutral player’

Wolff joins News.Views.Hughes to discuss the freezing of Venezuelan funds in the Bank of England amid the deepening political crisis in Caracas.

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In Question: Costs of federal shutdown

Wolff joins in In Question to discuss the costs of the longest government shutdown in US history and how they affect federal workers.

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RT Evening News: China May Replace US as World Largest Retailer

Wolff joins RT Evening News to discuss how China is set to surpass US as the world’s largest retail market this year.

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Thom Hartmann: How Dangerous is the US Recognition of the Opposition in Venezuela?

Professor Richard Wolff joins Thom Hartmann to discuss Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro's break off of diplomatic relations with Washington, and the US recognition of the opposition leader Juan Guaidó.

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Boom Bust: Major Investor Issues Global Warning

Wolff joins Boom Bust to discuss the warning letter written by billionaire investor Seth Klarman prior to Davos.

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Boom Bust: Wages Amidst the Gov't Shutdown

Wolff joins Boom Bust to discuss the compounded effects of the partial government shutdown.

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Thom Hartmann: Shutdown Expands Rank of Underwater Nation

Professor Richard Wolff joins Thom Hartmann to discuss the rank of the nation during the partial government shutdown.

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Economic Update: Ecosocialism

[S9 E2]

On this week’s episode of Economic Update, Professor Wolff delivers updates on the New York City council’s vote on a minimum wage for ride-hailing drivers (Uber, Lyft, etc.), 85% of the goods made for the Trump store are made abroad, charter school teachers...READ MORE

News.Views.Hughes.: US-China Trade Talks

Wolff joins News.Views.Hughes. to discuss trade talks between China and the US.

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Thom Hartmann: How NYC's Medicare For All Could Save Tax Payers

Professor Richard Wolff joins Thom Hartmann to show how NYC's Medicare For All could save taxpyers money as well as their lives.

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Boom Bust: Expanding Personal Debt

Richard D. Wolff joins Boom Bust to talk about expanding personal debt.

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The Zero Hour: What's coming in 2019?

Prof. Wolff joins The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow to discuss what we can expect in 2019.

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Does the Jobs Report Mean The Economy is Fine or Is Another Recession Coming?

Job growth ended 2018 on a powerful note, with the economy adding 312,000 new non-farm jobs in December. Unemployment rose to 3.9 percent as more people entered the job market and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1 percent. A broader measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers and those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons held steady at 7.6 percent. 
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Wolff Schools Peterson on Marx

Prof. Wolff visits Boise State and responds to Jordan Peterson's assertions about Marx. 


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Wolff on Boom Bust: Breaking Down Global Debt Levels

Prof. Wolff joins Boom Bust to talk about global debt levels at the start of 2019.

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Does Inequality Demand Stronger Solutions Than Reform?

Can reform fix the problems with monopolies? In the past monopolies would form, create economic catastrophe, worsen inequality all before reformers could take power and put a stop to them by breaking up the monopolies. 

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