What China Learned From U.S. Capitalism’s Development

Article by Richard D. Wolff

"The superiority of the recent Chinese record over that of the United States is persuasive evidence for China to continue its policy. China learned from the United States how to outperform U.S. capitalism."

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Zero Hour: The Truth About Inflation

On Zero Hour with RJ Eskow: The Truth About Inflation.

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Hartmann: Why Financialization Damages America

How does Financialization Damage America and what is it anyway?

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Economic Update: Chris Hedges & US Prisons

[S11 E43] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on South Dakota leads US to become world's #2 "tax haven,"  pandemic's economic shock cut by very uncapitalistic means, why employers want the govt to pay workers to go back to work, and how libertarians...READ MORE

The KPFA Evening News (Sunday) – November 14, 2021

Prof Wolff joins the KPFA Evening News to discuss inflation. 

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Economic Update: Germany Shifts Left

[S11 E42] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Biden's and Democrats' fading tax reforms, German and Austrian politics shift left, Yale sells out to rich donors, product shortages...READ MORE

Economic Update: A Story of War

[S11 E41] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses how Amazon rips off small business and squeezes workers, US and China's military tactics, top mainstream economists grasp the deepening critique of capitalism, and how strikes at Nabisco and Kellogg expose capitalism's classic contours of...READ MORE

WHMP: Why the Troubled U.S. Empire Could Quickly Fall Apart

Buz talks to Professor Richard Wolff, who discusses his latest article, Why the Troubled U.S. Empire Could Quickly Fall Apart

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RT America News: States eye child labor to fill jobs

Some states intend to weaken child labor protections as a direly needed solution to the hiring shortage as millions of Americans strike for better pay and conditions. Bills under consideration will allow younger workers to work longer hours. Critics of the policy point to research demonstrating the adverse impact of child labor on academic performance and behavior. So are America's youth standing at the threshold of new opportunities, or at the brink of exploitation? RT America's John Huddy reports. Then Prof. Richard Wolff, host of "The Economic Update" weighs in. He calls it "shameful," exploitative, historically retrograde and "downright perverse."

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The Socialist Program: Guilty! 100 Corporations are Responsible for 71% of Climate Change Emissions

Prof Wolff on The Socialist Program with Brian Becker: 

World leaders are gathered in Glasgow, Scotland for a major United Nations conference on climate change. But beyond the false promises and hollow phrases, what will it really take to pull the planet back from the brink of total disaster? What can prevent the capitalists from killing the planet?

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Imperial Abyss (with Yanis Varoufakis and Richard Wolff) | The Internationalist

It has been one year since Joe Biden came into office. While he is at COP26 making weak and unconvincing commitments on the climate, the collapse of the world order as we know it — from environment to geopolitics — seems imminent. In this episode, Richard Wolff and Yanis Varoufakis examine Biden’s first year in office, and share their perspectives on the current political and economic order and its future, from techno-feudalism to the new Cold War on China. They also speak about the ongoing pandemic and the profound transformations taking place in our time.

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Jimmy Dore Show: Workers Rebelling Against Vaxx Mandates

Prof Wolff joins the Jimmy Dore show. 

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Economic Update: China and Inflation: Real Analyses, not BS

[S11 E40] New

The program's first half focuses on the realities of China's rise and not the Cold War rhetoric. The second half analyzes the inflation now threatening the US economy. Its causes and consequences turn out to be quite different from...READ MORE

Shelter and Solidarity

Prof Wolff joins Shelter and Solidarity for a discussion on Covid-19 and capitalism. 

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Why the Troubled U.S. Empire Could Quickly Fall Apart

Article by Richard D. Wolff

"When empires decline, they can slip into self-reinforcing downward spirals. This downward spiral occurs when the rich and powerful respond by using their social positions to offload the costs of decline onto the mass of the population."

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Zero Hour: Coping with Left Despair

The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow discuss coping with despair on the left. 

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The Socialist Program: Why Federal Reserve Bankers Should be Arrested for Corruption

On this episode of The Socialist Program, Brian Becker and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss how the Federal Reserve has been forced to announce new ethics rules after a scandal over financial trading conducted by high-ranking officials led to the resignation of two regional bank presidents. But will this really prevent Fed officials from using their positions of power to get rich?

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Praxis Peace Institute: Is the Sun Setting on the American Empire?

Joining the Praxis Peace Institute, Prof Wolff offers a presentation on the state of the US economy: Is the Sun Setting on the American Empire?

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The KPFA Evening News (Sunday) – October 24, 2021

On KPFA Evening News, Prof Wolff discusses social spending in the human infrastructure package. 

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The Serf Times: Richard D. Wolff's MARXIST PERSPECTIVE on the current Working Class CRISIS!

On the Serf Times, Lance and Prof Wolff discuss the Marxist perspective on the current  economic crisis and the 2021 hardcover edition of Understanding Marxism, which features a lengthy new introduction by author Richard D. Wolff and is available here now. 

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Rising up with Sonali: Understanding ‘Striktober’ and ‘The Great Resignation’

On Rising Up with Sonali on KPFK 90.7 FM, Prof Wolff discusses the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report has shown that a record 2.9% of the American workforce quit their jobs in August, which is equivalent to 4.3 million resignations. Economists are calling this The Great Resignation. At the same time, an estimated 100,000 union workers across the country were either on strike or threatened to strike over contract negotiations, leading analysts to dub this month “Striketober.”

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Status Coup News: Capitalism + COVID the Final Straw for Worker Revolt

Prof Wolff joins Status Coup News to discuss capitalism and COVID, the final straw for worker revolt. 

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The KPFA Evening News (Saturday) – October 16, 2021

Prof Wolff on KPFA Evening News on October 16, 2021 on growing critiques of the economic system. 

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Economic Update: Cornel West on "Black Prophetic Fire"

[S11 E39] New

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the strengths of socialism in German elections, British and US public opinion; and the US policies that are impoverishing its Puerto Rican colony. The second half of the show features an interview with Dr. Cornel West...READ MORE

Economic Update: Signs of System Decline

[S11 E38] New

On this week’s show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the following topics: US wars lost: against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Covid; private profit from climate disaster; systemic infrastructure neglect; decline of whites in US; UK fears about US loss in...READ MORE
